Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Eat This Not That

I normally love these stories because I mostly never eat the foods being discussed, however, this one hit home.

My only complaint? Now 'n Laters instead of caramels - doesn't work. Neither does Tootsie rolls in place of Twix. They aren't at all similar, and therefore would not nip the craving in the bud. Just saying.

I am off to get my new car. Sigh.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I agree -- Now 'n' Laters are NOTHING like caramel. Different texture, and sour when I'm craving creamy sweet. And Tootsie Rolls don't substitute for anything but Tootsie Rolls -- if I want chocolate, I want REAL chocolate, and if I want Twix I'm wanting something with a mild crunch. But I liked the article anyway. Twizzlers seem like they ought to be so harmless, too...