Monday, October 25, 2010

Torture-fest 2010-2011

I did my first run today -- a short one -- just over two miles but it's what's prescribed in the 9-week training program for a half marathon. My main goal today was to see if anything hurt and to test out where I am physically. I actually felt good -- not aches or pains -- but I definitely need more fuel. Still need to eat lunch and that might've helped some.

My only obstacle on my short jog was a black snake that was tightly zig-zagged on the trail -- he was a little guy so I ran around him and he had moved on my way back. I'm fine with black snakes because I know there are copperheads around here and there not as friendly.

I signed up for the Celtic Solstice with Sarah -- the more the merrier. It could be 20 degrees or 80 degrees. Either way it looks like a blast.

I have an idea for a T-shirt -- it would say "This IS my happy face" and it would have one of those emoticons gritting its teeth because we LOVE pain. haha I might have to do it.

So one run down. I'm still alive and am happy for any company on my torture-fest ... I guess Emily is way ahead of me though.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I think it's a safe bet that I won't be joining you in the self-torture! I'm actually missing the running -- but I'm still hurting and limping. Even if I'm better after six weeks I'm still going to have to take it very gradually. (So much for being ahead of the game!) And I can't make the trip for the Celtic Solstice weekend anyway.

I like your T-shirt idea, though!