Monday, June 01, 2009

New Attitude

OK - I haven't posted since 4/07/09. Which means I probably haven't even LOOKED at the blog more than once or twice since then. ME! I was such the blog junkie for so long I can't believe I neglected it for over a month. OK - so the last two (almost three) weeks I was in Norway - but still!

So - I was really feeling re-energized towards eating healthy again this weekend. We were pretty bad in Norway - although, I have to say I have had times where I was much worse. We DID manage to stretch our stomachs out nicely and so we could accommodate all of the extra food we were eating. The added bonus for me was that we were eating regularly - and so (until the 24 hour return trip) I was feeling hungry at meal times like normal people do. That is always a good sign for me. Then this weekend I blew it all by eating just two meals (that I can think of) and either nothing for the rest of the time or trail mix. Sigh. I then wrapped up the weekend by eating ice cream!! And I wonder why I am fat. At least I only ate about 1/2 a cup of ice cream.

Thus the desire (if not actual action) to have a renewed approach to eating. I went to the grocery store last night and bought bananas and prunes. Then they announced that the store was closing so I had to stop. I was busily looking for European cookies. They have so much more fiber than our American cookies. I didn't find any. I will have to check at Wegman's.

Tonight - or maybe tomorrow - I want to plan out my meals for the next two weeks. I need a plan to stick to. I want to regulate my calories. I want to shoot for 1800 and see how I do. I am ready to lose weight.

I didn't GAIN weight while I was away (in fact I was about a pound down from where I was before I left) but that just isn't good enough anymore. I want to drop the 25 pounds I have gained since we started this blog - and then I want to work on losing the weight that I had in the first place.

I need to work on my exercise. I want to work on something aerobic. I was appalled at how out of breath I was getting during the walks in Norway. Granted Norway is VERY hilly - and I was (am) sick, but I don't know if I would have been any better had I NOT been sick or we were walking on flat land. The one time I had to run to not miss the boat I thought I would fall down dead. AND THAT WAS ON A FLAT SURFACE!

So - My short term goals are:
1. Read the blog, and start posting again.
2. Plan my meals watching calories and trying to increase fiber and decrease sugar.
3. Start doing some aerobic exercise in addition to my yoga.
4. Call Rebecca and make an appointment.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Sounds fabulous!! What a very reasonable set of goals.