Tuesday, June 09, 2009

All systems dysfunctional

So my attempt to track my eating lasted about a day or two.  On Tuesday night I got queasy, and then it got progressively worse over the next two days.  Since then I've been in a holding pattern of occasional queasiness -- if I don't keep something in my stomach I feel sick, but if I eat more than a little I feel sick.  It seems to be lessening each day though, and today I'm almost normal.  So I may be able to try watching my diet again next week.  In the meantime, though, I'm forced to do what all the diet advisors say -- I'm eating when I'm hungry, and only to appetite!  Unfortunately, my appetite has been leaning heavily to starches and protein, because fruits, veggies, and dairy haven't really agreed with me.  Ugh.

Meanwhile the rest of my systems are out of whack, too.  According to my temperature charts I haven't ovulated in two straight cycles and this one appears to be ending at 17 days.  I am so confused.  I'm getting plenty of sleep -- the nausea saw to that last week, so I got caught up, and now I'm getting 8 hours each night -- but no exercise, for the same reason.  I've barely left the apartment!  I hope next week's report will be a little better.

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