Tuesday, April 21, 2009

How am I supposed to post after that?

I can't possibly post anything as interesting as Sarah's triathlon post, when I'm just here for a usual Tuesday post.  My weight was 145.2.  It likes to jump up a pound or so every Tuesday, even if it was lower during the week -- the highest I saw all week was 144.4.  Ho, hum.  Nohting interesting going on in my diet or exercise right now.  I was going to go skiing today (we wanted to get video of the kids on skis before the warm spell that's coming) but it has been raining, snowing, and sleeting all day, with a sub-freezing wind chill but above-freezing ground temperatures, so we'd be cold but skiing in slush.  So much for that idea.  So it's back to no exercise for me, except for holding a sleeping 30-pound child for 10 minutes in the driving slush while waiting for a bus.  At least I'm getting some muscle work in.

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