Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Down from last week, thank goodness. I was pretty vigilant with food for about half of the week (and not terrible the other half--I just didn't track calories obsessively), and I got in two days of running, two of swimming, the two hour bike ride and one walk with the dog, so a total of about 6 hours of exercise. This week will be a bit more difficult--Connor has dental surgery tomorrow so we have to be at the hospital at the crack of dawn, and on Friday night I've got training at work during the day and an overnight with the scouts that night. So it will be difficult to get any exercise tomorrow and essentially impossible on Friday. And usually after these overnights I don't have much energy to move at all the next day! We'll see how that goes. In the meantime I biked to work yesterday and will be swimming at lunch today.

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