Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I think.  It was 144-something.  Lower than last week -- but it was down in the 142s on Saturday, so this is the proof of two or three days of Easter gluttony.  The Easter Bunny did bring me a basket (OK, a basket-shaped crystal thing that he apparently found atop the cabinets in the apartment) full of truffles and other gourmet chocolates, but it's not the eat-until-you're-sick level of loot of other years, and the leftovers from Easter dinner are all but gone as well, so within a day or so I should be back to normal eating habits.  Skiing season is virtually over; we had a dusting of snow last night, so I might be able to squeeze a little in this week, but then I have to find some other exercise.  I looked in the storage shed today for a stroller, but no luck; there might be one in the attic, but I think it's a pram, and Cecilia's too big for that.  She's not up for the level of walking that would be exercise for me, so now I'm back to having to wait until Daniel's home before I can exercise.  Fortunately, with the level of sunlight increasing to 18 hours a day now and 20 by next week, I shouldn't have to worry about being out after dark!

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