Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Ack! That's two pounds up for me this week, and I have no idea why. I haven't been weighing myself this week so I don't know if I moved up gradually or if this is a spike (why do people recommend only weighing in once a week? I like to know if my weekly weight is a pattern or an anomaly). But I did only get to the gym four days last week and no exercise on the weekend (unless you count hauling two kids to the playground, with one of them on my back most of the way there and back!), and I really haven't been watching what I eat. But then, I wasn't watching what I ate for those weeks when I was losing weight steadily either. So I think for my own peace of mind I'll call this a spike and go back to weighing in every day.

Also in the past week I signed up for the Ride On for Autism Research, the annual fundraiser for Kennedy Krieger. I think I'll be doing the 25 mile distance, which is longer than my rides have been typically, but only by seven miles or so, so it shouldn't be a big deal. I'll be pestering all of you for fundraising, so you may want to start avoiding my emails.


Vicki said...

I find my butt gets number the longer I ride. But that's to be expected, I guess. I like 15-20 miles. Then it becomes butt over matter (haha) when you get into the 20s. But it shouldn't be too bad at all for you at this point.

Sarah said...

If you're getting a numb butt from riding, it's usually an equipment problem. All aluminum frames will do that to anyone since they don't absorb road vibration but just pass it right on to you. But more likely it's the saddle, either the saddle itself (too narrow/wide/long/short, or you could need a saddle with a cutout) or the position--you may need to adjust it (up, down, tilted, etc.) to see if you can get the numbness to go away.