Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Not bad (and not just for December!)

I was down nearly 2.5 pounds today, to 144.2. This would feel like more of an accomplishment if I hadn't fluctuated down to this weight fairly regularly anyway--the magical sub-140 weight still seems nearly impossible, although I don't know why. I held steady below 140 for quite a long time--it's only that pesky triathlon training that got me above 140!

Taking time off with no exercise wasn't a good idea. I've gotten to the gym or out for a run several times in the past week and it's definitely not the easy task that it was a month ago. I'm trying to get back up to 5 miles--yesterday I did roughly 4, but it was killing me. The 3.5 I did last Friday outside wasn't too bad, but it absolutely was more work that 5 miles was at the start of November. But yesterday's workout was just one of those workouts where you can't get it together--I was on the treadmill (yuck, but I only have one pair of cold weather tights and they were still drying yesterday morning), then kept having to stop--once because my iPod went flying (didn't break, thank goodness), once because I accidentally knocked off the emergency stop thing (which zeroed out my run and I wasn't exactly sure where I was with the distance), and twice because my HRM was acting up. I finally gave up on the HRM; I think it measured my heart rate at roughly 69 bpm during most of the workout (really, really wrong) except for when it shot up to 213 bpm. And I couldn't keep my speed up--I did the first 15 minutes at 6 mph, but then had to drop it to 5.7 and 5.8 for most of the rest of the workout. I'm not entirely sure I made it to 4 miles, but at least I kept running for 40 minutes. I'll bump that up to 45 minutes later this week. The race is a week from Saturday and I'm hoping to finish in 50 minutes or less, but I'll be happy with under 55 minutes. And I'll be REALLY happy if the winds die before then and we get back up to a balmy 40 degrees!

1 comment:

Vicki said...

You might be running on your own. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it because of my calf. I can get about 2.5 miles before it seizes up on me. I'm trying to work on it and will detail that in a post. But this is depressing.