Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sooo close...

My last class (ever) is tonight...then I have to get everything graded by Monday at 4:30 pm. After that, I will experience total freedom and subsequently have very few excuses for pretty much anything. I am actually looking forward to this.

The gym called me last week to make sure I was ok...I guess it has been A LONG time since my last visit. I didn't even bother to calculate it. We had been planning to go for another hike Sunday (we visited Oregon Ridge two Sundays ago and that was excellent) but it was cold and raining, so no thanks. I did go to the gym instead. I need to find my heart rate monitor to double check the readings on the machines. They usually read a little bit high for me, but my heart rate was awful when I was on the elliptical. The reality is that it could just be that terrible right now, but I hope not.

I have off work starting the 23rd, potentially the 22nd if I decide to ditch work, until the first Monday in January. I am looking forward to that for a number of reasons. First, my house is a wreck. I have BIG plans for MAJOR cleaning/decluttering activities. Second, I already have the gym schedule and I am taking some classes. Third, I am NOT waking up to an alarm clock ANY day.

I've been doing ok with my health month game; my exercise is not consistent, but I have been doing really well with not drinking soda. And I have the excruciating headache to show for it. I have been trying to drink tea in the morning, but it just doesn't have enough caffeine. It is getting better though, slowly but surely.

Good luck to Sarah & (hopefully) Vicki when running the race Saturday. Stay warm and the snuggle up in the cool t shirt once you are finished!

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