Wednesday, August 20, 2008


This has been an absolutely awful month for me.  Until yesterday I hadn't exercised since July.  I did get some exercise during zoo camp week, just walking around the zoo and Mill Mountain, but that WAS July.  We've had lots of company this month and a laundry list of things that have needed to get done and I've just been lazy.  Oh, and with company that means some eating out and a lot of fixing food for other people, which means I've been eating more.  But really this is all excuses (except for the lazy part) -- I just got tired of exercising and watching every bite.  Going to bed at 1 am after Olympics and not getting enough sleep hasn't helped.  So through the month of August I have done nothing, and I have paid for it by watching my weight climb.  That weight is actually Monday's, since I didn't have a scale on Tuesday, but Tuesday, I'm sure, was no better.  Sunday was worse.

We are in Alabama now, so yesterday Daniel and I went out around lunchtime (in the 90+-degree heat) and went for a run.  I got through slightly  more than two miles before I had to slow down (my new shoes aren't working out for me -- they seem to prevent the supination but they don't provide the arch support so my toes start feeling dead and then my arches start paining me), and then I split the last mile between walking and running.  But at least it was exercise.  Today I hurt all over (teaching Mary the butterfly stroke in the pool didn't help -- that added upper body aches to the lower body, but it was worth it, because I LOVE the way butterfly feels while I'm doing it) so I can't do anything except go for a walk, and probably not much of one.  Tomorrow is our anniversary, so we're spending the afternoon and night in Huntsville; if I get out early I might be able to go running.  If I don't hurt still.  Friday and Saturday are pretty full of activities so it'll be catch-as-catch-can, I'm afraid.

Next week we are back to a ROUTINE!  Woo hoo!  I'm going to get us back to the gym, and we'll have school during the day (i.e., less time to wonder what food I can scrounge up to snack on next) and just be busy in general.  I'm re-starting my diet again (as I seem to do every fall, though at least it also seems to be successful) to try to get back to my weight from this winter, i.e., mid-130s.


Sarah said...

Remember back at the start of the summer you were going to suggest that we challenge each other to get back down to our mid-130's (or I think you said actually 130, but that's the very low end of my good weight range) by the end of the summer? How about we do that for the next two months? Let's give ourselves until Halloween to get back down to that 130 - 135 range.

Emily said...

Sounds good! Let's do it. I think I said 130 when I was still in shooting distance of that -- that's the low end of my good range, too. But we can certainly shoot for mid-130s by Halloween.