Tuesday, August 09, 2011

What the heck is wrong with us!?

No posts in HOW long!?

I weighed in this morning. I weighed at some point last week, but I can't remember which day it was. I was a little bit up. This morning I was down from last week - and down from my scary high of a month ago - but still over the dreaded 250 point. I need to get below that!!!

I just updated myself on April's blog... I need to start reading that daily! I love the way you have organized yourself April. Even with the "bad" weekend - you confessed to it all - and that is really good. You can see where you made your less than perfect choices - BUT, you need to forgive and move on... which you also did.

I want/need to start a daily journal again. I will try not to get obsessed, but I need to get back on track with my food. Katie and I were remembering fondly last night the days where we used to have structured meals. I am fine eating the same food every day - I just need to do it. I also need to STOP waiting until I get to work to eat breakfast, because I end up not eating until 11am and I know that throws me off.

When are we going to do the Bridesmaids version of the Move it or Lose it? Or - what is the name again? Sports thing... OH! Game On! I think we need to start on August 15th. That is just about a week away - and also the official start of the Walking Works challenge.

What do we need to do, Sarah?

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Not August 15--we're leaving for vacation that day and won't be around to play. You CAN do the game while on vacation (several people did while I was playing) but starting on vacation is difficult, and with that less than a week away we wouldn't have time for people to read the book, pick their goals, habits, etc. I think starting on the anniversary of our blog - the Tuesday after Labor Day - would make the most sense.