Thursday, June 30, 2011

One good day

So... yesterday I managed to keep my calories within my goal range, and I exercised by getting out on the bike. I went out after dinner and just rode 8 miles on the Huckleberry Trail. While I LOVE being on the bike, it's a frustrating route to take -- the path has so many sharp curves, often at the bottom of long hills, so you can't get up to full speed and you can't use your speed to carry you into the next hill. And the bridges are rough wooden planks, and the underpass for the main road has a nasty metal connection to the path that my thin tires can't take at high speed. (I have had flats from hitting spots like that too fast before). Just after a curve and this underpass I got passed by someone on a mountain bike -- she was easily 50 pounds heavier than I was and her bike should be much slower than mine, but she didn't have to slow down to take the rough patches, so she was able to fly past and have the momentum (not to mention the traction) to get up the (curvy) hill. I overtook her on the next long straightaway, but then we hit a wooden bridge and she passed me again. By then it was time to turn back, so I didn't get the chance to race her any further. But I felt very silly being passed even once. I am out of shape, and my bike just isn't meant for a path like that.

I was slow to get started drinking water during the day, but at dinner and after my ride I went through five glasses. Between the diet, the exercise, the water, and just being home and not stuck in a car, I lost three pounds yesterday. If I could keep up that pace, I'd be back at my goal weight in four days. Hee hee!

Last night we went to bed more or less on time, and I got nine hours of sleep. So I met another bullet-point goal of mine as well. I haven't done the arms and abs exercises yet, though. But it's a pretty good start.


Sarah said...

Good for you! I'm not a fan of trails like that, either. The one near me connecting Catonsville to Ellicott City is similarly curvy with wooden bridges in places and fences to negotiate around in the places it crosses roads. Also tree roots making the surface bumpy. My average speed on that is way slower than on the road, and that's before you count in the idiots walking their dogs on retractable leashes, and the idiots walking four across with earbuds in who can't hear me frantically yelling "ON YOUR LEFT." Overall, I'm a lot happier on the road.

I set my bike up for a ride this morning, and even charged my lights, but then Connor didn't go to bed until late (again!) so to get my 7 hours of mandated sleep I couldn't get up at 5 to exercise. Got up at 6:30 instead and did a strength/calisthenics thing from the Game On book that was supposed to take 20 minutes and instead took more like 35.

Vicki said...

Emily, I've got some good arm, ab, core exercises I'll send along. Planks are fabulous and you'll be surprised at how fast they get easier. Squats are a must, they will trim your legs and core.
Do you have a stability ball? Doing basic exercises like bicep curls on the ball require you to keep your core stable.

Emily said...

Vicki, I'd love to see your arm exercises in particular. I don't have a stability ball, unfortunately (though the kids do have one of those hopping balls -- I should inflate it a little more strongly, and then it might be a reasonable substitute).