Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Starting the new year

I was 159.5 this morning. So that's 20 extra pounds I'm carrying around! My clothes don't fit -- I've had to pull jeans out of the "give away" pile that's been sitting in the corner for over three years. (There are some advantages to being a packrat.) Today is supposed to be the first day of my diet and exercise routine, so with that in mind I went to Daily Plate to count calories.

Except it's not working. As soon as I try to add anything to my plate it sends me to these text-only LiveStrong pages where nothing works. It let me log in, but then it went back to being no good at all! So I'll post here for now, to keep me honest -- I've had a half cup of Honey Nut Shredded Wheat (95 cal), a cup of skim milk (80 cal), 6 slices of ham on a slice of bread (180 cal) and 1/3 serving of almonds (50 cal), which puts me at 405 calories today. I have to figure out how to get in some exercise -- I need to call the gym and start making appointments.

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