Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Happy Anniversary

I see we all had the same idea - Tuesday after Labor Day - a new year. I made cookies last night. I don't remember the last time I made cookies that WEREN'T for Christmas. Anyway - they were whole wheat cookies... if that makes a difference. I didn't think so... I at three of them today - so I am off to a REALLY bad start to my new year.

I brought my gym clothes with me - but I didn't take a lunch break. I am planning on going to the gym tonight - but it is already after seven, so I am not sure if I will make it. I wish Katie would join the gym so I could meet her there. That would help.

I didn't weigh myself today. I didn't want to see that I am carrying around 100 extra pounds. I am sure I am up.

I had split pea soup for lunch, poached eggs and toast for breakfast (with orange juice) and a serving of 2 Fruit a Day (which is like pre chewed fruit and not as good as I thought it would be. I am sorry I bought it...). And three cookies. No coffee. Red tea. With the exception of the cookies, not a bad day so far. I am not sure what is for dinner.

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