Thursday, December 10, 2009

12 Days of Fitness time!

It's time for the 12 days of fitness! We have 15 days until Christmas. You only get (at most) THREE breaks from exercise in that time (so don't blow them all in one weekend). Try to get in SOME kind of exercise every day, and try to keep some variety in the mix to keep yourself interested. If it's 10 minutes to midnight and you haven't exercised, run up and down the stairs. Or turn on Christmas music and dance like a fool (the kids think this is hysterical when I choose this form of exercise). Or start those hundred pushups you've been meaning to do. There's a lot of exercise that only takes a few minutes when you're desperate, and it's great for a pick-me-up when you're dragging. I don't care what it is you do, just do it!

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