Tuesday, December 15, 2009

10 days left...

I weighed in today at 153, which is the lowest I've seen since Tromsø. Of course, I've blown it all by the way I've eaten this evening -- we went out to dinner and to a bar afterwards, so I've had a ton of empty calories. I missed two days of exercise over the weekend, which gives me only a day's leeway between now and Christmas, but I have all five weekdays booked for the gym this week, so there's hope that I won't cut too many corners in the next ten days. Today I did a 5k on the treadmill and it felt much better than it has before, and I got my max set in my pushups to 61, so I'm seeing evidence of improved fitness in several different ways. Oh, and my "fat" jeans were slipping down a bit this afternoon -- another good sign. But I'm still not willing to give up their comfort for the smaller size, even if they fit better -- loose jeans are just so nice!

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