I love summer fruit. I just ate the YUMMIEST peach. And I also have with me the last of a canteloupe that I bought on Saturday that tastes like it has been dipped in sugar. It is so sweet and yummy!!!
I have been thinking about me and food... It seems that the more I like it the more apt it is to be forbidden. I mean - you can go down my list of favorites and pretty much everything I like needs to be crossed off. Seriously! Try it - Candy, Pastries/Cake, Cookies - OK, those are no brainers. Dieting? Cross them off. OK then. Pasta, Bread, Potatoes, Cheese. Nope! How about Beef, Pork? No, No. Where are we? 10 down? Fish? YES! I can have fish. Fruits? OK - but in moderation - vegetables are better. You can have ALL of the grilled vegetables and chicken that you can stand. Well - that is the root of the problem. I can't STAND chicken and vegetables! I like beef better than chicken - but chicken is better for you. I like fruits better than vegetables - but vegetables are better for you. I can't honestly say that I ever crave fruit - and it doesn't satisfy a sweet craving no matter what they tell you. In all of the food choices that you make in a day many times I would choose nothing rather than what I SHOULD choose. Sigh.
I lied yesterday - my meeting with the hippy chick nutritionist is actually tomorrow not next week.
In the immortal words of Marcie (from Peanuts), you're weird, sir.
I never gave up any of those things until today. OK, I gave up the sweets too for a while, but that was for Lent. Everything else, I never eliminated. I just never overate anything. I even had cookies every night with tea before going to bed. Or chocolate chips. Pork, chicken, beef--all interchangeable as far as I'm concerned. I ate cheese ravioli regularly because it's one of Claire's favorites. And it's nearly impossible to destroy a diet by eating fruit. One medium fresh peach has 38 calories. One wedge of a medium cantaloupe has 23 calories. Go ahead and eat the whole thing and you'll have taken in roughly the same number of calories as a container of yogurt. And except for with dinner, I didn't eat much in the way of vegetables--too difficult to prepare and eat them at work, so I just skipped it.
I hope the nutritionist has the sense to tell you the same thing.
Yeah - easy for you to say miss "eat less and exercise more to lose weight" Try DOING all that and have it NOT work. You start to eliminate stuff and it usually involves the yummy stuff. The only thing I WON'T give up is my coffee. I am down to having it with just skim milk and not half and half and sugar. I still periodically have my fancy coffees - but once a week is the max on that usually. THEY are even skim. I am pretty sure the hippy chick is going to tell me to stop with the coffee. I can honestly tell her it is the highest source of riboflavins available to us, caffine is an appetite supressant and it excellertes your metabolism - ALL of which I need I think.
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