Monday, July 09, 2007

Oooh -- I got a title to work!

I just entered this post but I came back to edit it because I saw on the blogger page:

Some users are reporting that they are unable to enter titles for their posts. We are currently investigating this problem and working on a fix. In the meantime, please try moving your mouse pointer to the top edge of the title field instead of positioning the pointer at the center of the title field, in order to select the title field and enter a title for your post.

I just clicked around all the corners for a while and eventually it gave me a cursor. Curious.

I was completely terrible last week -- I didn't exercise even though I probably could have found the time, because I just didn't feel like it. I didn't have gym reservations, though, because of the swim lesson schedule. Bad excuse, I know! I have no reason for the not eating well, either. I didn't weigh myself today and I think I forgot yesterday as well, but it's been creeping back up even though I've been avoiding alcohol in the evenings (I seem to do better on snacking and calories in general if I just swear off the beer and wine).

I did finally exercise yesterday -- I went for about a 15 mile bike ride. Up a mountain, no joke. I have a friend who lives 7 1/2 miles from me for whom I forgot to bring a new Stampin' Up! catalog yesterday morning at church, so I got it in my head that it would be a good excuse for a bike ride. It was, except that she lives on Brush Mountain, so two straight miles at the end of the trip are uphill -- no leveling off or short downhills or anything. I made it about halfway before I pooped out, and then I walked for a couple of minutes, and then I climbed back on and finished the trip. I did the round trip in slightly more than an hour -- obviously the trip back was MUCH shorter than the trip up -- but I won't be doing it again soon. Today my neck and shoulders are sore. You'd think it would be my legs that would complain -- last night I could barely walk up the stairs -- but they're fine today. If I weren't carrying around so much upper body flab I suspect I'd be a lot more comfortable today!

I undid all the good of the exercise by going to the movies yesterday later in the day and eating a lot of popcorn! One of these days I'm going to get back to the diet... sigh...

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