Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Ow is right

My back is killing me. It has been hurting ever since Disney. It seemed at first as though it was recovering - but in the past week or so it has gotten worse. Then today I was stupid and locked myself out of my house - with no car keys. So I had to break into my kitchen - which was disgracefully easy - with the exception of hauling my 224 pound carcass into my four foot high window. I achieved this feat by dragging over the conveniently located planter and reaching INTO the kitchen for a well placed box. Those two stacked up were just about high enough, and I improved it more by putting the base of the planter on top to give me a good solid surface. None the less, I am clearly not as agile as a burgler and so my back is hurting. All of this to go to a dentist appointment!!!

I didn't walk last night and only did 6 units of water. I was up to 224.2 today. Sigh.

I have the LS retired list - but I have to see if I can get my scanner working to send it out to you all...

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