Monday, July 16, 2007

Hooray for Amy's challenges!

I am all for doing the challenges. I definitely need the water one -- I used to be so good about water in grad school but haven't been for the past eight years or so, except for an occasional brief spurt. I like the 500 miles challenge as well -- but I think bikes should require more than 1000. In a 40 minute session on a bike at the gym I do about 11 miles -- on a treadmill I would be able to do between 3 and 4 in that time, if I'm jogging; similarly, I did a 15 mile bike ride in a little more than an hour, which would be 5 miles at best on foot (I can do 3 miles in 30 minutes but I poop out quickly after that). So I think we should set it at a 500 mile challenge but 3 bike miles = 1 walking mile. Sound fair?

I don't have a pedometer, so that challenge is wasted on me -- I'll keep an eye out for a cheap one at Target or someplace. I do think the situp challenge is good, though; that's something I was trying to do at home on those busy days when I didn't have a full workout at the gym, but again I lost motivation quickly. I like the exercise-variety idea but I know I'll wimp out on that one -- I might try new machines (not that there are many -- elliptical, treadmill, bike, stairmaster, probably there's a rower hiding someplace but I haven't seen it) or remember to add in aerobics and Pilates at home, but I just can't get to the classes at the gym because it's too hard to schedule childcare around them.

This morning I forgot I was going to be on a diet starting today. I've already snuck two caramels and used up my allotment of almonds for the day!

Nevertheless, at Amy's last-week, offhand suggestion I've decided to make this a no-excuses exercise week for me! I have gym appointments three days this week, so that's a good start. The end of next week is where it starts getting tricky; we're off to Georgia for a couple of days (but I can get walking in there) and then to Alabama for a week (maybe walking -- but it's harder there because there's so much going on most days).

Thanks for the wakeup call, Amy!

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