I finally hit 135.0 this morning!! I never really thought it was possible, but there it is.
Yesterday I did the 30 minute Walk and I did the Pilates Energy Boost workout, which takes less than 10 minutes, I think, but it's a great set of stretches right after aerobic exercise, and best of all it can be squeezed in between the end of the walk and the time I have to leave to pick up Mary from Girl Scouts. But I really need to do Pilates more than once a week.
Food yesterday was so-so. I had breakfast of raisin bran and a bunch of cantaloupe -- Mary, Alexander and I polished off a whole cantaloupe during the course of the day, each eating roughly a third of it, I think. Lunch wasn't good -- we went out to Backstreet's and had their pizza buffet, so I had two full slices and part of what I think was very thick foccacia with pepperoni pizza on top (not as good as it sounded -- the toppings drowned out the flavor of the bread, so it was pizza with too much floppy crust). Dinner was chili with white rice, and I kept my portion small. Over the course of the day I ate almonds (three times, about 8 almonds each) and a piece of string cheese. I probably had some pretzels as well but I'm not sure. Once again I didn't get enough vegetables, but that's not even news anymore. I went to bed not hungry but I was never stuffed during the day.
Today I was planning to get to the gym late afternoonish, but now I'm too tired -- we have Bible Study and then swimming (for fun, not a lesson) on Fridays, and we were going to go to the library as well, but even that was too much -- the pool really takes it out of me because I have to be constantly on alert. I have Stampin' Up tonight, too. I'm planning on doing Body Pump in the morning, though, so it's not like I'm taking a long break by not exercising.
Heck with the khaki's and black tee-shirt! That is like rewarding yourself with socks and underwear!!! Get a pair of strappy high heels - or use my goal weight reward! (Hire someone to professionally clean your house - although, you don't really need that...) I KNOW - Have baseboard heat put in your basement!
LOL! I wouldn't want to waste all that heat without putting in walls first. But the cleaning idea isn't so bad, except you have to clean up the clutter before they'll really clean, and that's impossible!! I went to Target today and got the T-shirt (and the deluxe Narnia DVD), but I didn't find khakis (they only had capris except for one pair of linen pants, which weren't what I had in mind). I've put together a long wish list of clothes -- I wish I could afford everything I could really use right now!
No strappy high heels for me -- my feet are so bad that it hurts just to look at them!! But I've got other nice shoes on my wish list. ;-)
Way to go Emily!!!!!
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