I haven't had any proper exercise since the walk I took with Mom last weekend. On Tuesday I walked the kids to Mary's French class, but that's not even 3/4 of a mile round-trip. It's better than nothing, but only marginally so. I feel so blobby. Cecilia was sick all week (she's finally herself again today, hooray!) so I spent the week holding her. And reading -- I'm enjoying reading a lot again, for a change!
Food hasn't been any better than exercise, I'm sorry to say. Yesterday was particularly awful. I had my usual breakfast, but then lunch was from Long John Silver's, the most vile fast food on the face of the earth, as far as I can tell -- we wanted to get something without meat while we were on the road (we're in AL now), and that's the only place we could find that could do kids' meals without chicken or burgers. I ate about six of the French fries (they had a decent enough flavor but they were cold and chewy) and I had fried shrimp (I don't think there was a single non-fried thing on the menu) but about halfway through I gave up on the batter glop and ate the plain shrimp, pulled out of the crust. I did eat both hushpuppies, though (I love them and I never get them -- so even though these weren't very good ones they were still pretty yummy). And I had a sprite. I had absolutely zero snacks during the day. Dinner was very yummy but completely unhealthy -- it was sort of shrimp alfredo over spaghetti (only the alfredo was made with emmentaler and gruyere instead of parmesan, so it was more like fondue poured over shrimp and spaghetti), and I ate a medium-small serving, plus a small dressed salad (lettuce and croutons), plus two refrigerator-dough croissants and a glass of Riesling. In short, I had no fiber after breakfast except for a couple of pieces of lettuce, ditto on no fruits and vegetables, and far too much fat, cheese, starch, and shrimp. Ugh.
I expect today's food to be terrible for me as well -- we'll be going to a cookout for lunch, and it will probably be leftovers of that for dinner. Breakfast was pigs in a blanket (mini dogs and refrigerator biscuits -- how did this become a breakfast food?) and orange rolls (99% fat, not all that sweet, actually, but very rich and decadent -- again, how is this breakfast??), and I drank some OJ and ate a few bites of canteloupe, though there really was very little of the latter since it was out for the kids, not the grownups. Sigh. I think I'm going to go take extra fiber right now.
This week I hope nobody will be sick and clingy -- all three kids have had antibiotics this month -- and I really, really want to get back to exercising. Oddly enough, my jeans seem baggier than ever. Go figure.
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