Much to my surprise, I did not gain back all 40 pounds yesterday, despite having eaten like a pig from dawn to dusk. Or, rather, from post-church to midnight. I ate Easter candy (lots, and it kept making me feel gross -- why can't I leave it alone?), a waffle brunch, and a roast chicken dinner (with stuffing, potatoes, gravy, corn, green beans almondine, rolls with butter, salad, and wine). And then later Daniel broke into the cheddar so I had three small slices of that. Ugh. Despite all that, my weight was only up a half pound from the day before, and it was down from last week, so I was at 133.0. Tomorrow I won't be home, so that's official for me this week.
I haven't posted much because I'm lame (no good reason!). Last week I did Body Pump on Tuesday, 45 minutes of bike on Wednesday, and heavy gardening on Friday (I cleared a large bed of weeds for about two hours). After Friday I hurt for two days so I didn't do any exercise over the weekend. This week will involve little official exercise and a lot of car time. And I will not eat well, either, because there are 100 pounds of candy in my house, give or take, and I'll be traveling, to boot.
Today I'm having to remind myself that even though Lent is over healthy eating isn't -- I can retintroduce sweets, yes, but I need to do so reasonably and not feel like I need to eat nothing but junk for a month straight. So that means I should still do salads if we do drive-through and I should still choose fruit or almonds over cookies (at least sometimes!).
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