I was 134 even this morning--higher than last week but still within my acceptable range. I know it wasn't because of my eating habits yesterday--I was chowing down the malted milk eggs last night--so I think the 136.2 on Monday had something to do with retaining water from eating all those salty potato chips. We'll see what my weight does over the next few days to figure out if the higher end or the lower is more accurate! But I'm glad I dropped for weigh-in day. I still have the goal of losing these last four pounds by Memorial Day.
Amy, about being more active--pretend you have a kid. Or a dog. On work days I'm usually at 2000 steps by about 2:00. If I don't go to the gym, that number stays below 3,000 by the time I get home. Walking to and from the parking lot is a lot more steps for me, which really helps (amounting to about 1,000 a day; twice that on the two days a week that I run errands during lunch). This morning I was paying more attention to my morning routine and I realized I go up and down the stairs about six or eight times just getting Claire and myself ready for the day. But it's in the evenings that I really get my step count up--as soon as I get home I walk Davey for about 15 minutes. I take him for a second walk after the kids are in bed, so I'm getting another 30 to 40 minutes of walking (or standing around while he snuffles) in the evenings when I think I'm too tired to do anything. As unpleasant as it is, you could try adding a 15 or 20 minute walk in the evening. I do the first one in my work clothes--I've been putting on my water shoes over my stockings recently. I look like a particularly odd bag lady like this, but then, that doesn't raise eyebrows in my neighborhood. When I'm not walking the dog, I'm walking around the house--fix dinner, carry stuff to the dining room, jump up seven times during dinner to get stuff for the kids, retrieve Connor (and his food) from the living room, or drag Davey away from the counter. Then I walk around in circles checking homework, putting stuff away, doing laundry, bathing kids, etc. Oh, and singing and dancing Wiggles songs on demand. I think this could be replicated with spending ten minutes of every hour that you're home walking around your house or marching in place. It's probably not a bad way to increase your activity level without interrupting your normal evening routine--just see how many steps you can take in ten minutes, and then do that three or four times each evening. You can do it in your work clothes or in your pajamas just wandering around the house or up and down the stairs. That plus a 20 minutes "official" walk each evening should easily add another three miles or more of walking to your day.
Or I could loan you a few Wiggles videos if you'd like. ;-)
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