Whew! I was worried about weighing in today--I had been in the 133 range for several days at the end of last week and the weekend, but then I did the all-pizza diet on Sunday (you know, the one where you have a french bread pizza for lunch and then your husband makes meat lovers pizza for dinner and you have two pieces?) and my weight Monday morning shot up to 134.8--yikes! But fortunately it seems to have been a temporary thing and I'm back down today. Still not losing the 1 to 2 pounds a week as I was back at the beginning, but then, I'm not eating as little as I was back then. Apparently the key to maintaining my weight is to eat my usual tiny meals and then snack all evening, because that's pretty much what I've been doing.
I haven't exercised since Friday. I did all of my planned exercise last week, but to keeping it up this week will be difficult since I'm not at work (and thus away from the gym). Today I need to go running and do pilates twice to get caught up to where I'm supposed to be with exercise. I've got my running clothes on now so I'll head out as soon as I've finished this, then I'll do one pilates DVD when I get back.
And still no iPod. I have to take my regular one in to be fixed, and I left the shuffle under a pile of papers at work! Ugh. I hate running with no soundtrack!
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