Friday, January 27, 2006

Yay! The Internet is working!

I was without internet access all day yesterday at work--it was hell! I had to get Amy to give me directions to a place I needed to go to, and I wasn't able to look up the calorie count in stuff I ate.

Yesterday was winter convocation at work. It started at 8:30 with breakfast. I ate breakfast at home, thinking the breakfast at work would be the usual dry danishes and bagels--not very good, and not very good for you. I was wrong. It was breakfast with eggs, sausage, bacon, french toast, hash browns, and fruit. I took one slice of bacon (only 43 calories! That was worth it, even if it was nothing but fat and salt!), half a spoonful of eggs, and a cup of fruit. Then I counted this as my morning and afternoon snack combined and ate lunch (my usual) late so I wouldn't get hungry later. It worked. Dinner was leftover lasagna again. It always amazes me how much Claire can eat when she really likes the food. She had two pieces of lasagna, I had something less than one piece. My treat in the evening was a serving of Doritoes. The bag had been sitting around all week but no one opened it; yesterday Connor wanted some so Brian opened it and once it was opened I couldn't stay away. But no pigging out at least--I stuck with the one serving.

Exercise yesterday was two pilates workouts. I was still feeling weird after my episode at the gym the day before so I wanted to take it easy, so I did the abs workout (which is the shortest at 16 minutes) and the original 20 minute workout. I hadn't done that one for a while and I couldn't believe how easy it was! Or rather, I couldn't believe how much progress I've made--back in September this was the main workout I did and it used to kill me in spots!

Today so far--oatmeal, coffee, blah, blah, blah. Actually I haven't had the "blah, blah, blah" yet but I packed the usual yogurt, pretzles, orange, almonds, and string cheese. Gym this afternoon where I will slowly walk on the treadmill and monitor my heart rate the whole time. Long car trip this evening where I'll eat an entire bag of Hershey's kisses and a can of Pringles and drink soda. Let's hope not!

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