Tuesday, January 03, 2006

FFF #3

To work out longer, have some carbs during your workout. Because they buoy your blood sugar levels, carbs fend off fatigue. Concoct a 50-50 mix of cranberry juice and water to drink during your workout.

Food today was pretty much under control. Breakfast was a yogurt smoothie, morning snack was a banana, lunch was 2 of the smallest slices of pizza I could find in the box with a regular soda, afternoon snack was an orange, and dinner was some mac & cheese and shredded pork. I have found that if I drink a regular soda instead of diet, I drink less soda in a day. When I drink diet, I just drink and drink and drink. Having a regular one helps me limit my intake.

I even came home and exercised. I'm in for Sarah's challenge. My ideal week will be: reasonable eating each day and night, dessert once between now and next weigh in, exercise 5 out of 7 days, with 3 treadmill sessions and 2 pilates DVDs.

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