Daniel got a small set of poker chips for Christmas, which means he turned around and spent some of his Christmas money on a larger set of poker chips so that he could invite "the guys" (his post-doc and two students) over for poker. Poker's no good without beer and pizza, I understand, so that's what I had for dinner -- two small slices of pizza (the smallest in each pizza -- I was trying to show restraint! And one of them was just green peppers, no high-fat toppings except the cheese) and a beer. Not healthy at all.
Except for dinner, I ate pretty well today. I had my usual breakfast, and for lunch I had ham (lunchmeat, and not enough, so it had very little flavor) with lettuce on whole wheat. I had snacks of almonds, string cheese, and a handful of pretzels, plus I had a Godiva chocolate after lunch (and a couple of crumbs of Hershey's). I also had two Christmas cookies, another piece of candy, and about ten chips with salsa (no cheese dip!) and I'm here typing on the blog to avoid eating more (partly to remind myself, and partly to be in a different room than the food).
I did get exercise today -- I got out in the yard and raked leaves for a solid hour. We raked once in November but many of our leaves fall in December, and about two days after they seemed to quit falling we got hit by snow and ice which only melted this past week. I was determined not to have rotting leaves sticking to every snowman we make this year, so I raked. I don't know that my heart rate got all that high, but my arms will be aching tomorrow, and I got a blister on my hand, so that has to count for something.
Tomorrow I will exercise at the gym again. I have a PMS night (that's Pizza, Music, and Stamping) to go to so I will almost certainly eat a little junk, but I'll just have to try to keep it in check. My weight was back down a bit today (to 146.5, not the lowest I've ever seen but as low as my lowest Tuesday) and I'd like it to keep going down (or at least not going up) so I'm going to have to work a little harder!
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