Thursday, January 26, 2006


I didn't think my problem with this challenge would be NOT getting around to the snacks! But yesterday I was again out most of the afternoon, so I got home and still had a lot of food to go. Plus I totally forgot to start the stew before we went out -- it's not a crock pot stew but I was going to try it that way anyway. What was I thinking, scheduling a 2-hour stew for a Wednesday? We ended up having spaghetti (with green peppers and ground turkey in the sauce) so that messed up my whole schedule. But I re-worked it and it just meant I couldn't plan pretzels as a late-night snack, and I kept the portion of pasta small.

Once again I got to 9 or 10 pm without having eaten all my vegetables for the day, so I carved up a green pepper and ate half of it, saving the other half for today -- I figure if it's already sliced I have NO excuse. I was right in thinking I'd be burping it half the night, though. Ick. Vegetables are definitely a pre-dinner thing for me. The green pepper was better than the carrots would have been; I would have gone to bed with the hiccups instead, and that's infinitely worse when you're trying to sleep and trying not to wake up the two other people in the room!

I didn't deviate from my plan in terms of junk food, anyway, and that's the real point. This morning the scale said 144, and that's the lowest I've seen, so it's starting to pay off. I've been stalled in the upper 140s for over a month and it was getting old!

Today I'm going to eat what I planned to eat yesterday, except I won't have a sandwich for lunch again -- probably yogurt and toast. I get snacks of cantaloupe, almonds, pretzels, carrots, and green peppers, and I get a tiny dessert after lunch and after dinner. I haven't decided on exercise today -- either I'll go to the gym and do weight training during Mary's Girl Scout meeting, or I'll come home and do Pilates and a 15-minute Walk at that point. Either way, I'm bound and determined to get some exercise.

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