Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Merry Christmas to me

146.5! It comes of not eating enough, and not eating well, so this is the effect of a crash diet, basically. But it gives me a little room to play with over Christmas. And it's the lowest number I've seen since 1994 -- I was 143 at the end of August of 1993, and by Christmas I was 145, so I reached it from the other direction eleven, almost twelve, years ago.

I remembered this morning what I used to claim as my most successful diet. As of Christmas during my freshman year of high school, I weighed 128 pounds (doesn't that sound lovely? But that's the bad number in this story). During the Christmas holidays, I slept late every day, got up and ate coffee cake for breakfast (until it was gone, and then I skipped breakfast), ate nothing but candy all day, and then ate what seemed like a huge dinner. I lost ten pounds over about three weeks. I was lazy and gluttonous. Why don't diets like that work for me anymore? (Anyone want to join me in THAT diet challenge next week? Hee hee!)


Sarah said...

Congratulations!!! Your weight loss has just been amazing this whole time. May I borrow Cecilia for a while to get an extra calorie burning boost?

Katie said...

I'll join you in that diet! I have next week off! =)