Tuesday, December 06, 2005


I'm pretty happy about that. BUT--and that's a huge BUT(T)--I fell off the wagon last Thursday and was ran over by it over and over and over and over...I have not exercised since Wednesday! I am getting back on track tonight. I have a ton of excuses, but I'll spare you all the agony of hearing them, yet the coolest excuse is that I was getting a new car last night. I am very excited about that. My challenge to myself is officially over this coming Saturday. Way to go Sarah and Emily for sticking to it so well. I am, however, re-issuing the challenge to mainly myself to exercise every day until next weigh in day, at which point I want to go to a 6 out of 7 days schedule. My new short term goal is to break into the 150's by the end of December. That would be excellent.

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