Why can't I start posting more regularly, like the rest of you guys? I'm pretty good about getting on and reading everything at least every other day, but I never actually manage to post! And this is a problem in the rest of my life, too--I READ my email all the time, but it's very rare for me to write it, unless something absolutely demands a response right away. Some strange form of procrastination, perhaps? hmmm....I think it stems from the overload/over-time factor. You all post so frequently that there's a lot to read when I get on and by the time I've finished reading I've either burned out on the blog entirely or I've used up my entire free time just catching up!
Anyhoo, last weigh-in day I was 145.6, which is down from the week before. But THEN, wouldn't you know it, on Wednesday I was 144 even. *sigh* Always the day after and day before weigh-in I'm at a low, and weigh in day itself puts me up higher. What's up with that? I've been fluctuating around the 144 range this past week (though never actually dipping into the 143s--my 15 pound mark), but I know that I'll be up again tomorrow. It serves me right, too, since this weekend I have been SO bad with my food intake. Amy and I did sushi for lunch on Saturday (though we were fairly restrained--for us) and Charles and I did pizza for dinner (I only had one piece). Then Amy and Charles and I did McDonalds for lunch yesterday (my first official fast food in I don't even KNOW how long, since it's not something I've ever really indulged in, and I went with the grilled chicken sandwich instead of a burger, but even that had way too much mayo to be good for me). I had a reduced fat peanut butter and pickle sandwich (on potato bread--way to ruin a perfectly good low-fat sandwich) for dinner and THEN we all went to see The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and I ate a bunch of movie theater popcorn WITH butter and a few Twizzlers (three, I think) and a York Peppermint Patty bite. Amazingly enough I was only 144.4 today. Go figure.
I think the portion control thing is working for me. I don't eat NEARLY as much as I used too. Although I've always been pretty good at stopping when I'm full, unless it's something I really love. Plus I've been much more attracted to vegetables recently. Friday I was off from school because of snow and for lunch I had a big bowl of spinach. But then I thought I probably needed something more well-rounded so I ate the leftover pork and apples we had for dinner the night before. All in all pretty healthy. The point being, it was the vegetables I was craving, and that's been happening pretty often recently.
I am now going to issue a challenge for just me and Amy (since the rest of you crazy people actually exercise regularly). Here we go. Our challenge is to exercise tonight. And NO excuses about the tree in the way! You try that one, and I make us walk in the cold and snow and ice and dark. So, let's figure it out, ok?
1 comment:
Wait a minute--you guys went to see Harry Potter AND the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe without me??? What did I do to antagonize you that way? Why don't you want to be my friend anymore?
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