OK - Today I exercised. It was the default kind that you have to do after you get a ton of snow dumped on you - but it felt good anyway. I cleared off my car and then shoveled the walk and the stairs. All told I spent about 1/2 an hour at it. The snow was good and heavy, because I REFUSE to drive to work in the dark and snow - so I waited until the sun hit us - which, back in our court tends to be quite a bit later than when the rest of the world gets it. Of course, once I got out of my neighborhood the roads were mostly fine. I am not - however, going to wait until it is dark, and probably freezing, to go home. I am shooting to leave at about 4:30-ish.
Katie made me breakfast while I was shovelling - the lazy butt in her "I'm a teacher" PJs. But - it was nice that she made me breakfast and coffee. We had a whole grain muffin and microwave scrambled egg (with cheese!!) sandwich. It was yummy and full of protein. Actually - I suspect that even though they are higher in calorie than our usual breakfast of cereal and skim milk they are probably better for us. The calories are more useful.
I forgot to weigh myself this morning. Once I got up an went to the bathroom I was distracted by the idea of maybe being snowed in (sadly, I wasn't) but I was dressed in jeans and a heavy sweater before I remember that I forgot to weigh-in. I FEEL lighter today. I ate really well yesterday.
Speaking of which - I am AMAZED at how much better my clothes fit - or worse actually - they are getting too big. My jeans are positively baggy. I don't get this though. I haven't lost any weight to speak of in a month - and I have hardly exercised at all. I HAVE continued to eat better - and I guess in the long run that is paying off in SOME way.
I almost never weigh myself after I shower - I usually shower at night and weigh-in in the morning - but it makes sense though. They do fancy steam treatments in New York so people who need to lose weight, but are too lazy to work at, CAN drop a few pounds in an hour or so. Also - saunas and steam rooms are a BIG DEAL at gyms - I am sure because you suck out all of the water from your muscles and look smaller. It makes sense.
We need to make an official rule that if you do multiple weigh-ins on any given day the lower one is the one that counts.
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