I'm so pleased with how this week is going. Even though I missed the one day of exercise, and though my eating hasn't been perfect, it's still been a lot better than it has been in recent weeks. Getting back to the gym really makes a difference -- I work so much harder on the equipment than I do at home. Last night I did 50 minutes on the bike at level 7, and my pulse is already back to being fairly reasonable through the whole workout so that I can keep it at level 7.
My eating yesterday was good almost all day. I had my usual breakfast, and lunch of yogurt and pretzels. I had snacks of almonds and raisins. For dinner I had chili and rice -- very filling but quite low-fat. Then I had more almonds and some M&Ms -- not so good there! But I never felt completely out of control, the way I have so often of late. I was 150.5 this morning, which is a tick upward from yesterday but well within a reasonable range. I'd love to be below 150 by Tuesday, but even if I'm not, I'm doing much better than the 153 I saw this past week!
Like Sarah, for the first time in -- well, ever -- I feel as though my long-term goals are in reach. I'm a lot further away than she is, but things have gone so well for so long, and so steadily (barring the glitch of Thanksgiving), that I think I can keep this going for as long as I need to to get to the weight I'd like to see. (Only 15 pounds away now!) I'm trying to work on getting rid of the mindset that when I get there, I'll be done -- the fact is, if I want to be healthy for life, I'm never going to be finished with exercise and eating right. But I suspect the trips to the gym will be harder to motivate three months from now!
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