This morning I got up, got dressed, and got to packing. Then we ate breakfast, and I got back to packing, and I kept busy until we had the car packed and were on our way. We got to Blacksburg seven and a half hours later, just after dark. Then we unpacked and ate dinner, and then Cecilia decided she needed to be held and fed, and then we got the kids to bed, and then we watched the end of the Duke game, and then Cecilia was up and needed to be fed and held again. At about 10:20 Daniel was too exhausted to function, so he went up to bed, leaving me with a wide-awake, needing-to-be-held-a-lot baby. But I hated the idea of using any of this as an excuse and breaking my streak! So I kicked myself in the rear and got out the "Walk Away the Pounds" DVD Sarah gave me, and, yay, me! I did the 1-mile express workout. It was perfect. It took only 15 minutes (20 with stretching, not to mention the credits and all the get-motivated stuff at the beginning), it was quiet enough that I could do it in a houseful of sleeping people, and it was siimple enough that I could do it holding a baby. In fact, when they got to the part where you're supposed to use the Stretchie, which I don't have, I waved Cecilia around for upper body resistance, and she thought it was rather funny! So I didn't get as much of a workout as I did some days this week, but now I know there really are NO excuses, since I can do this one in so little time and at any time of the day -- if the TV is in use I could even pop it into the computer or my hand-me-down laptop and do it anywhere.
Sorry to sound like a commercial. It wasn't an exciting video. I could see myself getting bored with it if this were my only option for exercise. But it's perfect for a day like today.
Food. For breakfast I had OJ, scrambled eggs (not a lot), biscuits (but I only ate half of one), and bacon (and I only ate about a piece and a half). For lunch I had a turkey sandwich on whole wheat (very boring but it was good turkey so it wasn't as boring as it could have been). In the car I snacked on gummy bears and gummy worms, no doubt more than I should have had, because I didn't keep track, and I also ate a tiny handful of chocolate covered raisins (we finished off the dregs of the can). For dinner I had two slices of pizza, and for dessert I had a package of Skittles (oh, yeah, like I really needed dessert after a day of gummy bears). Tomorrow I'm back to a normal diet. I'm going to sit down and plan meals for December and hope that will help keep me on track.
Tomorrow I weigh in! Eeek!
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