This no-excuses challenge is really hard! I keep putting off the exercise throughout the day (because excuses are really easy to come up with) and then I have to force myself to exercise late at night. Last night I did the "maximum burn" pilates dvd at 11:00. Today, thankfully, I'm back to my more normal routine and should be able to get to the gym at lunchtime.
I only vaguely remember what I ate yesterday (after the candy bar, that is). I know I had yogurt for lunch, but I can't remember if I ate anything along with it. I don't think I did. I had almonds for snack, then macaroni and cheese and a spinach salad for dinner, then a pear and two pretzles for a nighttime snack. So except for the candy bar, it wasn't too bad. Oh, and I licked the batter bowl after making saucepan taffy bars. Yum.
My one little victory yesterday (offset by the candy bar, but overall still a victory) was NOT buying eggnog when I was grocery shopping. Safeway has the best eggnog, but I checked the calorie count when I picked it up--it's something like 160 calories (180? 140?) per HALF cup. So I'll buy some for Christmas itself, but not before!
And just for the record, but unrelated to the purpose of this blog, it's only November 28 and I'm already thoroughly sick of Christmas preparations. Why is it that I do all of the baking, card-making-and-sending, most of the decorating, nearly all of the shopping and wrapping, and all of the planning and organizing while Brian pretty much just gets gifts for me, sets up the tree, and hangs the outdoor decorations? I probably wouldn't mind this state of affairs so much if I didn't work full-time, but every year I'm tempted to just not do any baking, to skip the cards (well, I've done that a few times!), buy a pre-lit artificial tree and put it up BEFORE Christmas Eve, and to skip gifts for all but immediate family (Brian wouldn't even think about teachers and daycare providers if I didn't bring it up; in fact, I think he doesn't think about them even when I DO bring it up--I mentioned that we should get something for Joan, the nurse who comes to our house every four weeks to give Connor his gammaglobulin, and Brian said "who's Joan?") and to buy a bunch of gift bags and plunk all of the gifts in them. As it is, I spend every spare minute between mid-November and December 24 doing something Christmas related and it makes me crazy. Bah, humbug. Same goes for Claire's birthday--next year we're going to do her party before Thanksgiving so I can get it out of the way early.
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