OK - Yesterday - the official start of our third month of this I was at 205. Thank goodness it was yesterday. Saturday I was 206 and today I was 206.6 - ugh. BUT - using the official number I was between my average of five pounds lost - and my actual five pounds lost for the month.
I am now making a concerted effort to regroup and get back on track. Katie and I skipped packing the afternoon snack that we normally take. I am hoping that if we drop the calories in our official meal plan for a week or two that will help us get back on track. That is the technique that Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers both use. We have both also gotten bad about actually eating all of our healthy food in the day - so I am hoping this will help with that too.
Katie and I were both craving vegetables this weekend - so that must mean we have adapted our body to WANTING them - but have failed to provide enough. I did snack on grape tomatoes on Saturday - but on Sunday I killed the craving with junior mints. Sigh.
I think I am getting past the incredible craving for the candy. Last night I had to force down the last little candy bar I had sitting next to my bed AND had to follow it up with two Tums. Sigh again. Today I will not allow any to be sitting there.
OK - How I can tell I have lost weight story #37 (or something) - Saturday night my jeans were longer. 8-) Than means something on me higher up is smaller because they are hanging down lower. I also KNOW the butt was baggy. I am not sure how I feel about this. These are my favorite jeans. What will I do if they get so big that I can no longer wear them? The denium is so soft it feels like the inside of a new sweatshirt.
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