Friday, November 11, 2005

I used a measuring cup!

Our bathroom cup is 16 ounces if you fill it up to 1/2 an inch from the top!

Water yesterday was lower - 88 - so 11 points. Today I am already behind at only 48 ounces so far... I have some chugging to do. It hasn't helped so far - I was 206.2 today. But I think I am pre-period bloating too. Hopefully it will all go away suddenly.

I am still feeling very dry in the mouth and I haven't been to the potty quite as much as the past few days. I am worrying already about the drive to VA tomorrow - I tend to avoid drinking much on long car trips for the logical reason that there might not be a toilet when I need one!! But Katie will be there too - so maybe we will just drink and pee, and drink and pee. 8-)

Katie and I had no vegetables last night. Not one green crumb to be found. I must say - I MISSED them! We went veggie-less for dinner, and I felt very cheated. We did our ballet DVD. I am SO ungraceful. My arm looks like a crab claws and my supporting leg is flexed to the point that my toes curl up. But it is getting easier.

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