Yesterday afternoon I did the same route I did on Monday, only this time I used Emily's technique of running four minutes, walking one. I was also careful to stop my watch when I got to intersections and had to wait to cross, just to give myself a more accurate record of how much time I actually spent running (or moving). By doing these things, I knocked two minutes off of my Monday time! To be fair, my average heart rate was up quite a bit, too, from a reasonable 164 bpm to a high 170 bpm. I don't know if that's because it didn't average in the lower heart rate during my stopped times or if I was running faster/harder when not stopped either because I could (with more rests) or because I was trying to compensate for the slow walking minutes! In either case, my average speed was right around 6 mph (5.96 mph to be exact)--not far off my race pace of last year.
Unfortunately, I did this run with my back still hurting from the swim the day before and last night my back was really killing me. I did all of my stretching and strengthening exercises, and made Brian try to pound the joint back into place and am feeling a bit better today, but not completely recovered. Today was supposed to be a swim day, but everything is conspiring against that. Not only does my back hurt, but I still have to get some supplies for the scout meeting tonight, and on top of that, I'm not sure the pool is going to be open. Yesterday they had to close the pool because the water was cloudy and they aren't allowed to reopen until the water has cleared. I haven't checked today to see if it's open, but it doesn't matter because I'm not going anyway.
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