I went with Amy to her yoga class today. Once I got over the urge to snicker at what a stereotype her teacher is (and she told me later he's also a Bradley childbirth instructor -- figures!) and how bad his shorts were, it was a pretty good class. I felt like I was terrible at a lot of the yoga; I'd never even SEEN yoga before, at least not for real (it shows up in TV fiction periodically, and Steve Wesolowski demonstrated some moves to Daniel and me about a decade and a half ago, not that I remember much of it), so I never knew where we were going with anything. But except for the chest opener stuff with the bolster under our backs, where I somehow completely missed the initial instructions and was thus completely lost until the assistant came and detangled me, most of it felt fine.
I was already in my exercise clothes, then, when the afternoon came; this was a very good thing or I know I would have ditched running for the second straight time -- not good when I'm supposed to be in training! But it was so gray out and it felt chilly so I couldn't get excited about leaving the house. I finally made myself go -- I would have felt ridiculous wearing exercise clothes all day and NOT going -- and it turned out to be much better than the last Springdale run. There was very little difference in my time (about 5 seconds), but it never felt hopeless. A funny thing -- my GPS informs me that I stopped 40 feet lower in elevation than I started, which seems improbable given that the neighbor's yard is only about four feet up from Mom and Dad's driveway, so even if I started the tracking a couple of feet late it should have come out close to even.
My calf was very sore last Saturday but felt better by Sunday. Today it felt fine through the first two miles but started complaining at the start of the third, and it's sore tonight. I'm not sure what to do about an injury like this -- do I keep running on my regular schedule and see if it just gets better from the regular rest in between days, or should I take a longer break (longer than just four days, that is!) and see if it heals that way, at the risk of falling behind on the training schedule? Or should I see a doctor right away? (That seems like an over-reaction when the injury is still less than a week old, and the pain goes away a day after running.)
I did some searching online, and a minor calf strain is supposed to heal in a week or so if I rest it. The advice I read on marathon discussion boards is that I should cross-train in the meantime. I can manage that for this weekend, with a short run coming up, but I'd really like to do the 7.5 mile run a week from Saturday! If I don't do that run, how do I get back on track?
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