I didn't weigh myself on Good Friday OR Easter Sunday OR today. No point in micro-managing when it doesn't ever do anything but go up.
I don't think the sleep machine has "changed my life." I do seem inclined to sleep later on the weekends, and my attempt over lent to go to be earlier seems to have worked. I have conditioned myself to start looking to go to bed by 9:30 - which is good if I actually then make it to bed by 11. So maybe I will improve my sleep habits slowly and maybe that will benefit be eventually.
Last night I took the mask off around 3:30am. I don't think I meant to. I actually THOUGHT it was closer to the time I needed to get up - but I can't really see the clock well through the mask (and I can't put my glasses on with it on) and so it wasn't until I was all unplugged that I realized that I still had three hours to go. I didn't put it back on. I don't MIND sleeping with it so much anymore, but it is kind of a pain to adjust to right after I put it on, and so once it was off I really didn't want to go through the adjustment again. So I didn't.
I have been noticing for the past several days that I have been feeling kind of weak. Not tired exactly, but PHYSICALLY weak. And specifically on my joints, my elbows, hips, wrists and knees. I don't know how to describe it, but it feels like I am running out of fuel. Since I first noticed it on Good Friday I thought that was exactly what it was... I hadn't eaten enough calories. I felt the same way on Saturday - and again, I really hadn't eaten much or enough - but YESTERDAY? I had plenty of calories yesterday! And they weren't all bad calories! I don't know what it is about Easter (spring in general actually) I don't feel the urge to eat sweets in the spring so much. I only ate one strip of peeps yesterday - and that was late in the day. That was it. Honestly, I still have Easter candy left over from last year. I have been carrying the same three Easter kisses in my lunch bag for a year now. I don't suppose they go bad - but I think I will throw them out anyway.
I haven't started my conditioning for the marathon I am not going to run this year. I HAVE, however, been setting my alarm early each day - and then turning it off. Today I didn't turn it off, but I had to go into work early since I was out on Friday. I am going to go home now and get in my first walk/run today. Since it is a baby one (10 minutes. Seriously?) I have no excuse!
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