I was SHOCKED this morning!!! I was all prepared to weigh a good five pounds more than I did last Tuesday... but I was the exact same weight - which even last week was on the lower edge of my current range. Yay! It can't be because I ate well (duh! Pies!) or exercised much (one session of yoga, one of old lady water aerobics and a couple of sessions painting trim in the basement...). I certainly haven't been feeling skinnier (see comment about weighing five pounds more...). I don't know. I am not complaining.
I have another meeting with Rebecca tomorrow. I just went on November 12th - but we ran out of time before we ran out of topics - so I scheduled a second meeting with her. I am glad actually because my reflux has been just awful lately. I don't know if she can help with that at all...
I have this horrible dilemna too. She is offering a 12 week long weight loss group class thing starting in January. It is expensive - $675 - but it includes weekly meetings with a group facing the same problems as me, 2 one on one sessions (I get them anyway - so that is $68 right there...) herbal supplements ($375 worth the description says - that is a lot of supplements!) plus meal planning (I don't know if I need that) and grocery store strategies (I don't know if I need that either). Anyway - I am thinking the money is too much. (I mean that is more than the cost of the gym for one year. More than the cost of meeing with HER for one year. It is as much as it would cost me to put in my yoga floor...) But at the same time, I wonder if it wouldn't help. I just don't know. Maybe I will discuss it with her tomorrow.
I wouldn't do it for that amount of money. I'd think if there were any strategies or supplements that would be offered through the group session that might work for you, she would have (or should have) already discussed them with you!
That is like saying an alcoholic shouldn't go to AA meetings because they already know they shouldn't drink. It is more the group support. The supplements and one on one time I DO already get - and I pay for them... So the price of the session really needs to be figured on the cost after those two things are deducted...
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