OK - I have been reflux free for almost a week now, and I discovered the downside of it. Yesterday we had our team Christmas celebration - which was mostly just lunch out and a white elephant gift exchange. But one thing we did was fill up little lunch bags for each other (THAT was fun!) so I got quite a few goodies. Also - several people brought in cookies. Prilosec is great - I ate probably a total of 10 cookies throughout the day and didn't get ANY reflux. The downside to that, is after I ate the first cookie, there was no pain and suffering as a result and so I CONTINUED to eat cookies. It was nice not having the acid - or having to take Tums - but it was nice before NOT eating cookies like crazy. Then last night, I didn't eat any dinner. The cookies had filled me up. That can't be healthy.
THEN, this morning since Katie didn't have to get up, so I didn't cook breakfast. Instead I had a blueberry muffing for breakfast. Prior to a week ago I would not have CONSIDERED this as a breakfast option. Today that was it. I am committed now to having something decent for lunch. Or at least something with protein.
Emily - I am not sure what I am supposed to be looking for as a result of taking the iron. I won't need to give blood again until February I think - and they took it on December 9th anyway - even though my doctor said she was surprised they would. I don't know what other effects having low everything in my blood would have on me. I FEEL healthy other than sore knees, reflux (now mostly gone) and a weird buzzing feeling in my left shoulder muscle.
Speaking of sore knees (I know, I know, "Poor Charlotte!") but Sunday night I fell down and skinned my knee, just like a four year old. In fact, I was running to take pictures of Santa on the fire truck (the camera was fine), just like a four year old. I went down HARD on my right knee - which is the worse of my two. It was stiff that night - but mostly fine yesterday... until I had to sit at the Japanese Steak House, you know, where you can't streatch out your legs. OMG! My knee got so cramped up. It worked itself out pretty quickly though.
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