Sunday, March 09, 2008

Star Charts

It worked for me last spring... I am making another star chart for me. For every 15 minutes of exercise I get a star (I think I did 10 minutes last year because I was addicted to the 10 minute videos - but if I DO dig out the 10 minute videos I will still give myself a star). I will make another one for fruits and vegetables and fiber. Rebecca wants me to consume 35g of fiber a day. I wasn't really worried about that too much because I eat whole grains for everything - but most of the whole grain things are only about 4g of fiber per serving. Whole fruits and vegetables are also fibrous - but again - it takes a lot to get to 35 grams. So, I pulled out my fiber mix in stuff and will be adding it to my water. That is 5g per TEASPOON. I can do that.

I have been to the gym two days in a row now. I was having a problem with my shins hurting yesterday - so I did my toe alphabets this morning and was fine today. I was horrified at how WEAK I felt after today's workout. I did upper body. I was fine during the workout, but afterwards I was having problems moving my arms. It was my JOINTS that were weak too - not the muscles. Maybe once I get blood flowing through them again it won't be so bad.

Rebecca also told me to pay attention to my refined sugar/HFCS intake. The only thing that Katie and I can pinpoint as sugar in my diet is my afternoon coffee. She recommended blue agave nectar - which I heard of and figured was something gross like Stevia (I would rather have NOTHING than stevia). Anyway, I bought some at Wegmans (agave, not stevia) and was delighted to discover that it is actually tasty! It is lighter tasting than sugar. Katie said it tastes just like simple syrup. So far I have had that in my coffee twice and it is just fine. The first day I had it with vanilla extract - but that actually wasn't so good, so I think I will stick with just the plain agave. Now I need to figure out how to cook with it. I think I can do French toast. I will have to see what else I can do. Calorie wise, agave seems the same as sugar to me (60 per tablespoon) but it is much lower on the glycemic index - which basically means our bodies don't treat it like sugar.

Sarah, my goals aren't anywhere near as noble as yours. I just want to be able to continue to go up and down my stairs, and not get stuck in the bathtub. But, like you I am concerned about the future. I really don't want to be one of those people that can't leave the house, and when I die they will have to remove me with a crane. I am not joking about this. I sometimes feel like Veruka Salt, blowing up like a giant blueberry right before my eyes. I currently can still get in and out of the bathtub, but at the rate I am going I WON'T be able to in a few years.


Amy said...

Not Veruka Salt. She was the one with the squirrel. "Daddy! I want a squirrel!!" The chick with the gum addiction. What was her name. I am drawing a blank.

Sarah said...

Star Charts! Hee-hee. When I saw your title I thought "oh, great, now we're looking at our astrological signs!"

Not noble--just realistic. Noble would be staying in shape so I could work in the slums of Calcutta or spend my spring breaks building homes for Habitat for Humanity or something. Lifting Connor up to reach the fan was the kick in the head (literally!) I needed to remind me that there aren't any miracle cures, either for him or for my out-of-shape body so I'd better learn just to deal with it. No different than you realizing you want to be able to get up and down stairs and in and out of the bathtub.

I'll have to try that agave nectar as a sugar substitute for my tea (and coffee in two weeks! Poor Orthodox Christians are just starting Lent today). I can't stand unsweetened, and even though I've managed to cut down the amount of sugar I put in quite a bit, I can't seem to cut it out entirely.

Emily said...

Violet Beauregard!

Amy said...

Oh! Of COURSE! "Violet, you're turning violet!"

Vicki said...

Hello all,
The one thing I've really worked on is getting added sugar out of my diet along with artificial sweeteners such as aspartame. I think that's been a big reason why I've dropped more weight.
I was sad to find that my favorite whole wheat bread and cereal was loaded with high fructose corn syrup. So I found some bread at trader joe's with very little sugar and no HFCS. I also found an all natural salad dressing I really like with no added sugars that's delish.
I eat oatmeal for breakfast, organic pita with turkey for lunch and salad or chicken and brown rice for dinner so pretty much outside of bread, everything I eat is a veggie or a fruit.
It took some time to go through labels and knock some stuff out but now I can pretty much maintain a diet free of added sugar.
I found a good green tea that tastes yummy and I don't need to add anything to it.