Well - I didn't gain two pounds this week. I didn't LOSE two pounds either - but I was down - to 231.2. As I said last week I have been absolutely STALLED at 231.8 for quite some time now. I went up for last weigh in day - and I stopped weighing myself when my period started because I just didn't want to SEE the 4 pounds I always gain. But when I weighed myself yesterday I was 232 exactly - so being down to 231.2 is an improvement for me. Ironically it was right on the heels of four days of no exercise and too much sugar.
I don't know if it is the sugar after being really good about being sugarless for the past two weeks (or so) but I was SO tired all day yesterday. It also could be because I didn't eat dinner until 9:45pm. Katie is off this week so she went to Tracy's yesterday and into the evening. So, since she wasn't around for dinner I wasn't motivated to cook for myself. I seriously worry about my eating habits once she moves out... I don't cook for myself. A lot of that is just habit - Katie cooks, so I don't need to - but also it is my schedule. If Katie doesn't call me at 7 to see if I am on my way, I feel justified in STAYING until 8:30 or later - and then I just don't feel like cooking. I ate jelly beans last night and finally heated up a frozen dinner - which had gluten in it. I like the gluten free Amy's Kitchen dinners - but I didn't have any of them on hand. Mom asked me on Easter if I had seen any improvements since reducing my gluten and sugar. Well - I can say I saw a NEGATIVE reaction last night when I had BOTH refined sugar and white flour. I had no energy at all. It wasn't that I was tired - I stayed up until after 12 - I was just energyless. I was a little bit disgusted with myself because at 8:30 I told Gloria I would be at the gym at 9:30. I INTENDED to go. I was even excited about my new Easter socks that I was going to wear. I just really had no "move it!" juice. This means that since my gym week starts on Saturday I have to go every day for the next four days to get in four days of exercise. I was five days last week as well as the week before. I should have taken a walk on Easter like I did last year. I wonder why I didn't do it. I thought about it Easter morning - but had forgotten by Easter night. And it was RAINING last Easter!!
I didn't do too badly eating on Sunday. I drank three mimosas though. I wasn't craving candy too much either. I did eat a handful of peanut m&ms that the Easter Bunny brought - and a few mini twix, but that was about it. None-the-less my mouth felt way too sweet.
So - gym tonight. Boobie squishing, piano delivery and gym tomorrow. Ugh.
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