Tuesday, March 04, 2008


That's a two pound drop from last week but I think it is just random fluctuations.  I have been avoiding sweets, but otherwise this week had involved a fair amount of food.  And today was the funeral, which means today is ALL about the food -- afterwards there was a luncheon at the church and tonight there was a catered barbecue event.  And on Saturday night we went to Casino Knight, normally my favorite event of the year, but as I was in no mood to gamble and my friends and I were very much in a mood to hide in corners and talk ourselves sick, I drank too much wine.  Ugh.

I did manage to get to the gym on Thursday and Friday of last week, and I tried to go running on Sunday but I developed a cramp in my midsection at about 3/4 of a mile and it wouldn't go away, so I had to walk back.

I think tomorrow things are back to normal, whatever that means.   I guess it means that there's not much scheduled from here on out so we'll be trying to resume normal work and exercise and home schedules.  We shall see.

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