Peter's friend Brian is having an amazing recovery. He will most likely be transferred to Kernan Hospital for rehab today or tomorrow. He's unplugged from all the cords at the hospital expect the little one they stick on your finger, and he's eating, drinking, and doing a little walking and talking. His hearing is really screwed up, but the drs say that will pass because it is just fluid build up. It is really all quite fantastic. We visited most of the day Friday and then again on Saturday and Sunday and each day showed marked improvement. Yesterday was the first day he had a headache though. Brian's sense of humor has rebounded because when they asked him what level his pain was on a scale of 1 to 10 he held up 2 fingers...then 5 fingers...then 2 fingers, so 252.
Totally unrelated, we went to the Body Worlds exhibit at the Science Center Saturday night. You've GOT to go. It is so interesting to see inside the human body like that.
Wow! I'm glad he's recovering so quickly and managing to keep his sense of humor! I hope he continues to stay on this path and is able to go home soon!
Julie, that's great news!! I hope he continues to improve! Keep us posted.
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