Friday, October 12, 2007


I had a horrible thought this morning... I was remembering how, I don't know, six months ago I was in dread of topping 220. I wasn't going to let that happen and was going to do anything to avoid it. Well, 220 came and went and I stopped noticing it. Well NOW I am flirting around 230! I was 228.4 this morning, 229 yesterday. I know the yesterday was affected by the fattening lunch I had on Tuesday (it usually takes two days for the bad stuff to show up on the scales...) and it is possible it will go away - but I looked at my September weight where I went from 223 to 228. Five pounds in a month. August I did go down - from 225 to 223. July was flat, June was an increase (223-226) May was again up (2 pounds). All told... not counting when I quit smoking in October... I went from December (212) to September (228) up by 16 pounds! I have to DO something about this! I know my goal is to be positive - but - GASP!!!!!

I need renewed committment!

I need to crack down and DIET and EXERCISE - HARD!

I need to start chanting affirmations!!!

I need to DO SOMETHING!!!!!

1 comment:

Mary said...

One day at a time, Amy. Commit to one day of exercise and low-calorie eating. Then do it again and again. I know I am a poor example! But it can be done. Your health and longevity are at stake.