Tuesday, October 30, 2007


I didn't weigh myself over the weekend - mostly because I just didn't want to know. Katie and I did go for sushi after church on Saturday and then I had a pit beef wrap on Sunday at the pumpkin farm - but other than that I stuck to my Glucerna diet all week and all weekend. I ate fruits, vegetables, small meals, nice snacks, etc. The one deliberate concession I made was with breakfast. I had a gluten free waffle, with turkey sausage. I had real syrup instead of the sugar free stuff. Anyway - my weight on Monday was 227.4 and today was 227. So much for dieting.

It is frustrating - if I eat a balanced, healty diet like this, timed to be consumed steadily during the day I trigger my metabolism - so I feel hungry. A lot! But I don't lose weight. If I don't plan and eat my meals I don't feel hungry - but I don't lose weight either. I was thinking that I should lower my calorie intake to 1000 or less - but if I am feeling hungry on 1500 I will either be STARVING at 1000, or back to the not feeling hungry, but not losing weight phase of things. I don't know.

THEN! Last night I made my Halloween costume. It is a plain circle skirt. I cut the pattern out at a size 19 (somewhere between the 18 and the 20). That is what I have been wearing lately - mostly 18s with some too big 20s periodically. THE DARN THING DIDN'T FIT. I mean - REALLY didn't fit. It is probably easy enough to fix - but it involves removing the waistband and lowering everything down an inch or two. Talk about a blow to my ego. I was already thinking that I am going to be "larger than life" in this crazy costume - but this makes it much worse. Sigh.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Don't despair -- you know pattern sizes are really weird!! When I first started sewing I was only about a 12 in real life but I had to make a 16 or 18 in patterns (I forget which, but it seemed big) and I would have been well into the 20s when I was a 16 in real life, I suspect. And now that premade clothing size inflation (deflation?) has gotten so bad, I'd still be a 16 or 18 in a pattern even though I'm wearing 10s as we speak.